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VIVO Home pianos match the incredible sound quality perfectly with a beautiful and unique design.
We have an idea: buck the trend that sees digital pianos as fake copies of acoustic pianos and create a piano with a distinct soul and a superb unique design.
We crafted the best aesthetics for the best technology.


VIVO Home pianos match incredible sound quality perfectly with a beautiful and unique design. The idea is to buck the trend that sees digital pianos as fake copies of acoustic pianos and create a piano with a distinct soul and a superb unique design. Th ...


VIVO home pianos match incredible sound quality perfectly with a beautiful and unique design. The idea is to buck the trend that sees digital pianos as fake copies of acoustic pianos and create a piano with a distinct soul and a superb unique design. VI ...


The design for our home model gives maximum expression. It benefits from simplicity and lightness but not at the expense of VIVO technology. XMUREVIVO EDITOR Available in different colors: BLACK WHITE Description Specifications ...

*VIVO home pianos match incredible sound quality perfectly with a beautiful and unique design. The idea is to buck the trend that sees digital pianos as fake copies of acoustic pianos and create a piano with a distinct soul and a superb unique design. V ...
